5 Things No Man Should Ever Say

MMD May 16, 2014 0
5 Things No Man Should Ever Say

I’m assuming that all of you Mens Mag Daily readers want to make something of yourselves and that’s why we give you advice on everything from fitness, to fashion, to dating. Today, we’re going to discuss something else that is very important and that is the way a man speaks. If you plan to be successful you have to know how to speak correctly. You should also know how to spell, use proper grammar, and diction. However, the main part of not sounding like a dumbass in the real world is not using ridiculous words. If you speak like a child, you’ll be treated like one. If you use words that aren’t very masculine you can bet there will be some chatter about you around the water cooler. With all that said, here are 5 words than no man should ever use.

Fabulous: Do I really need to explain why no self-respecting man should use this word? Try and listen to how this word is used. Number one, it is mostly used by women and in some of the following ways: “Those shoes are fabulous.” “That baby shower was fabulous.” “Last night’s Sex and the City was fabulous.” “Her dress at the Golden Globes was fabulous.” “God, after she lost her baby weight, she looked fabulous.” Need I say more?

Yummy: I was recently on a date in a very nice restaurant. There was a couple sitting next to us and the woman fed the guy some of her food, which isn’t the most masculine thing in the world but the fairer sex have a way of softening us up and that’s okay. I had very little problem with that. I did, however, have a problem to his response to the food which was, and I quote, “Oh my God, that is yummy.” I felt like giving his balls to the coat check girl because he obviously had no use for them at all. Could he not have used the word good or delicious even? Did he have to go with yummy? You’re not a soccer mom at a bake sale, act like a man.

Make Love: It’s not wrong to be in love. In fact, it’s great. It’s a big part of a man’s life when he finds the woman he loves. This does not give him an excuse to use the term “make love”. You should do it because after all you love the girl but you should never say it. Try picturing a man saying this and not sounding totally effeminate. It cannot be done. Now picture a woman saying it, “Jon, make love to me.” It sounds just right, doesn’t it? This is a term for women. Stay away from it bud.

YOLO: The only way a man can get a pass for using this word is if he is under the age of 18. I mean, seriously, has there ever been a stupider word? Whether it was Drake that created it or it dates back to the 1800’s (It’s actually shameful that somebody took the time to research this) it is still the stupidest word ever created. Is it that hard to say you only live once? That’s a strong, good old-fashioned saying. YOLO just screams, “Look at me, I’m wearing tight jeans and a t-shirt with neon colored writing on it. I also listen to terrible music.” If you’re older than 18 and you use this word, you should be shot by a firing squad, it’s that simple.

Swag: This word might not have made the list if it were used more sparingly but given that just walking down the street you’ll hear it about 67,000 times it has officially become annoying and is on the no list for men everywhere. It could have actually served a purpose as it is used to indicate an indescribable level of coolness. Rappers ruined it and the little rich kids from Richtown, USA who do whatever they say really put the nail in the coffin. Gentleman, it’s time to stop saying swag. And again, age is a factor here. The older you are, the stupider you sound saying it. (Editor’s note: I once had an employee who literally said the world all day. I wanted nothing more than to watch him drown.)

Article By: Jon DaBove

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