Earn $1,000’s a Month Running A Blogging Business

Luke Espon January 31, 2017 0

Are you interested in earning more money and you have a passion for writing? You may be interested in starting your very own blog! “But nick, What ever will I write about?” you may be thinking to yourself, and that my friend, is the beauty of it. You can write about anything you want! It only takes a few steps to start blogging and sharing your writings with the world. Step number one is to pick a topic you’re passionate about and love to write about, here’s a few examples:

Lets get started!

Cooking, Exercising, Interior Design, Business, Hot Girls, anything! Once you have an idea about what you want to write about your next step will be finding a blogging platform that suits your needs. You can always use a free blogging service such as Blogger.comĀ or you can go with WordPress.com to create a free blog. Out of the two I would recommend WordPress, as you can move it to your own host if you like, or upgrade right where you are!

There is a learning curve, but once you learn to work and modify wordpress you can make any kind of website you want! And there’s a 100% chance that someone is going to like what you write somewhere!

How do I get visitors?

Let me let you in on a little secret, quality content makes everything better! And if you love writing, that shouldn’t be an issue. Chances are as your network of blogs grows (Since you like more than one thing) you will meet like minded writers that want to join in on the fun to!

So after the quality content bit, You can setup accounts on the major social networking sites to well.. network socially. Here’s a few I like, and have proven to send me visitors.

StumbleUpon, Reddit, Twitter, Facebook, there’s more, but these ones are pretty big. The trick here is not to spam them, Let me put it like this.. If you walked up to someone with spam everyday after awhile there going to be like yo, I don’t want any spam. But if you wake someone up every morning with a bomb as love breakfast every morning chances are they gonna be stoked, and if they aren’t you can always try again tomorrow.

In addition to these methods Google and Bing will find your blog and send your organic traffic if your content is good, people will talk about your blog – Pick an easy to remember name, Other websites will link that mint crafty content you create to help their visitors as well!

How do I make money?

Everyone’s favorite part! Once your blogs are rolling in the content and the social networks fall in love with you, put some ads up so you can get income and grow your network of blogs even further. Depending on your topic you will need to find an appropriate Ad Network. One of the most famous ones is Google Adsense. I’d recommend them to a new blogger. They give you an easy to use interface that allows you to create ads and put them on your website. Don’t be intrusive though, just put your ads on and people that are interested in that ad will click it and you get paid.

Remember everything takes time, and keep creating quality content. It is a sure fire way to success and building your self a massive passive income if you like what you’re doing! šŸ™‚



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