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Kurt Cobain New Solo Album

Kurt Cobain New Solo Album

MMD May 4, 2015 0

Just like how Kurt Cobain blew his brains out, fans of the deceased rocker are about to have theirs blown too – Kurt Cobain is releasing a solo album. Say whhhaaat? An interview with

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The Courntey Stodden Sex Tape

The Courntey Stodden Sex Tape

MMD April 29, 2015 0

Finally, Courtney Stodden, has made the sex tape we were all waiting for. I hear its rill amazing. Or as Vivid Entertainment CEO Steve Hirsch said ““looks amazing, this is the most unique footage

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Jack Nicholson Reacts to the Jared Leto Joker Edit

Jack Nicholson Reacts to the Jared Leto Joker Edit

MMD April 28, 2015 0

People are hating on the new Jared Leto Joker…they find it offensive after the darker more iconic, thanks to his death, Heath Ledger Joker…that you’ve seen everyone dress up as over the years for

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Sawyer Sweenten Nobody Loves Raymond Suicide

Sawyer Sweenten Nobody Loves Raymond Suicide

MMD April 24, 2015 0

Sawyer Sweeten, a name that means nothing to me but who you might recognize as one of the actors from Everybody Loves Raymond committed suicide today. A self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head, on

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J.Cole Wet Dreamz

J.Cole Wet Dreamz

MMD April 22, 2015 0

J.Cole released a song that is about his first crush he wanted to have sex with, or smash, but instead had wet dreams to….and I guess the only way to get that message across

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Possible Leaked Spiderman Footage from Avengers

Possible Leaked Spiderman Footage from Avengers

MMD April 22, 2015 0

There is a rumor that this Spiderman footage was shot at the end of the Avengers movie as a teaser for the new spiderman… It could be a great prank…or it could be legit…you

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Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Edward Snowden

Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Edward Snowden

MMD March 3, 2015 0

One of the bigger news stories in recent years is the whole Edward Snowden thing. So it is only natural that Oliver Stone would make a movie about it called Snowden….what isn’t natural is

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Chris Farley for University of Wisconsin

Chris Farley for University of Wisconsin

MMD February 25, 2015 0

Here’s a vintage Chris Farley for the University of Wisconsin video that recently resurfaced and that all the old Chris Farley fans are pretty excited about, because he’s doing his Van Down By the

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It’s Oscar Weekend

It’s Oscar Weekend

MMD February 20, 2015 0

An artist named Plastic Jesus, left this appropriate statue on Hollywood Boulevard, where the Oscars will be taking place, to let the world know that this industry is filled with greed, drug, sex and

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Waka Flocka Reads Fifty Shades of Grey

Waka Flocka Reads Fifty Shades of Grey

MMD February 20, 2015 0

Fifty Shades of Grey blows my mind and a concept, because many years ago I saw a similar storyline in a movie called The Secretary, that was far more hardcore and less vanilla, candy

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