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Scary bus accident caught on CCTV in Demodara, Sri Lanka

Scary bus accident caught on CCTV in Demodara, Sri Lanka

mayur March 4, 2024 0

Bus drivers have a really hard time driving on mountain roads. This is a scary CCTV clip of a bus accident that happened in Demodara, Sri Lanka

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Snowboarder stuck under loose snow gets rescued by a stranger

Snowboarder stuck under loose snow gets rescued by a stranger

mayur February 29, 2024 0

Snowboarding in treacherous conditions is full of risks. Had this random stranger not chanced upon this snowboarder stuck under a lot of snow, the poor man would have died for sure

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Massive sleeper wave wipes off people at O’ahu Beach in Hawaii

Massive sleeper wave wipes off people at O’ahu Beach in Hawaii

mayur February 23, 2024 0

Sleeper waves are just that. People don’t really expect them to be as powerful as they are. These people didn’t expect to get wiped off by a sleeper wave at O’ahu Beach in Hawaii

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Car dashcam captures a SAS helicopter coming out of the blue

Car dashcam captures a SAS helicopter coming out of the blue

mayur February 19, 2024 0

It’s funny what car dashcams manage to capture. This dashcam managed to capture a SAS helicopter rising out of the fog all of a sudden

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Mountain climber sleeps on the side of a cliff

Mountain climber sleeps on the side of a cliff

mayur January 26, 2024 0

Gotta give it to these climbers for literally having no fear. He grabs a good night’s sleep on the side of a very steep cliff

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10 of the worst airplane and helicopter landing fails

10 of the worst airplane and helicopter landing fails

mayur January 25, 2024 0

Flying is full of risks, just like any other form of motorized vehicle. Here are 10 of the worst airplane and helicopter landing fails caught on camera

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Road rage incidents caught on Go Pro

Road rage incidents caught on Go Pro

mayur January 18, 2024 0

With the advent of motorcycle vlogging, more and more incidents of road rage are caught on camera. Here are some prime examples

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Car turns right in front of a speeding bus and gets hit

Car turns right in front of a speeding bus and gets hit

mayur January 17, 2024 0

This is exactly what happens when people don’t check their rear-view mirrors before turning. This driver turned right in front of a bus and ended up having the car completely destroyed

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Driver cuts off a semi truck, gets what he deserves

Driver cuts off a semi truck, gets what he deserves

mayur January 16, 2024 0

This impatient driver cut off a semi truck hauling a tractor trailer and ended up getting hit by it and paying the price

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Taking a look at the crazy Maeklong Railway Market in Thailand

Taking a look at the crazy Maeklong Railway Market in Thailand

mayur January 6, 2024 0

The Maeklong Railway Market is the marketplace through which trains pass. Thailand is a crazy place

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