Viral Videos »

A Case Of Instant Karma For BMW Driver!

A Case Of Instant Karma For BMW Driver!

Luke Espon February 9, 2016 0

A man known as the reverend curve dive received a dose of instant karma today while driving down the highway. He’s seen trying to make his way into the left lane while sitting patiently

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The Original Ending To Harry Potter Revealed By J.K. Rowling

The Original Ending To Harry Potter Revealed By J.K. Rowling

Luke Espon January 28, 2016 0

J.K. Rowling finally releases her ending to the famous hit series Harry Potter. We all knew deep down inside that there was more to the story yet to be released, after all, there’s no

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Dude With A Dash Cam Loses Control Of His Car And Flips Off The Side Of A Mountain!

Dude With A Dash Cam Loses Control Of His Car And Flips Off The Side Of A Mountain!

Luke Espon January 22, 2016 0

This is not how you want to start your day! A guy out joy riding with his brethren had a rude awakening while out maneuvering the corners of a mountainside road way on a

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The Manliest Man Carrying Two Fridges 20 Meters! A New World Record!

The Manliest Man Carrying Two Fridges 20 Meters! A New World Record!

Luke Espon January 20, 2016 0

Wow this guy has got some serious strength. He just set the world record by carrying two full size fridges a total of 20 meters! This guy is built like an American army tank.

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It’s Beginning to Look A Lot Like Pug-Mas

It’s Beginning to Look A Lot Like Pug-Mas

MMD December 14, 2015 0

I am fully committed to pugs as as breed. I don’t even think pugs are dogs! If you know any of my other ventures, you’ll know that pugs are the majestic creatures that keep

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Owl Shits on Another Owl and Bounces…

Owl Shits on Another Owl and Bounces…

MMD May 9, 2015 0

I’d say owls are one of my favourite animals, because owls are cute in a bizarre way. Also I really was into Harry Potter and wanted an owl. I remember when I was younger

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Kid Starts Fight By Slapping a Girls Ass of the DAy

Kid Starts Fight By Slapping a Girls Ass of the DAy

MMD April 24, 2015 0

Its a shame those two kids didn’t get a better beating because they deserved it. I’m not up to date on all this feminist stuff but women are people. People with glorious tits and

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Drunk Chick Back Flips in McDonalds

Drunk Chick Back Flips in McDonalds

MMD April 22, 2015 0

This is probably the best video you will ever see…pretty much ever… A drunk Euro hipster chick doing a back flip in McDonalds…I mean I feel like this is a slice of heaven

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Priest Loves Star Wars

Priest Loves Star Wars

MMD April 22, 2015 0

His name is Father Roderick and he really loves Star Wars… This is Amazing. I mean I guess his job would make you believe that he believes in Science Fiction&#

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Picking Up Girls with Bad Advice

Picking Up Girls with Bad Advice

MMD April 22, 2015 0

Here’s someone defining awkward by Picking up Girls with Bad Advice…proviced by girls he tries to pick up. It is like the circle of life or the pay it forward with bad pick up

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