When you stop becoming rich and start becoming a rich idiot isn’t when you drive a Ferrari or bang Maxim models, these things are almost an obligation as a rich guy; it’s an insult to non-rich people if you don’t do these things. You become a rich idiot when your money makes you lose all perception of reality, when you start acting like everybody has the same good fortune as you do, or even worse treating people with less money than you like they are “less than”. I once knew a guy who was born into insane wealth. A few childhood friends and I met him and a few of his buddies out at a club when we were in our early twenties. We ran into each other a few times and occasionally hung out with him and his friends. The kid had no concept of money. He would constantly leave his house without any money or credit cards and make everybody pay for him. He would stack up IOU’s left and right and obviously people took him at his word since they knew he had more money than Richie Rich. When he ended up owing hard working people thousands of dollars they all cut him off. I don’t think he was doing it to be malicious. I just think that being rich from birth and never knowing what it is like to work for a living made him think everybody had it as good as he did. In short, he just didn’t understand money or the world. He was a rich idiot.
The way to stop this in its tracks is through rich people who procreate. Their kids are likely to grow up to be rich idiots of epic proportions. Like everything else in life, this starts with the parents. If you’re rich and you have a kid make him mow the lawn, rake the leaves, shovel the snow, anything but sitting around the house ordering the butler around or driving his brand new BMW to his Harvard feeder prep school. Jackie O had the right idea. She could have let JFK Jr. sit on his ass and live off the Kennedy money which I can’t even venture a guess as to how much it is but she didn’t. She forced him to go to Brown. While there he realized he wanted to be an actor. She forced him to go to law school instead and become an Assistant District Attorney. JFK, Jr. seemed like a damn cool guy to me. He played with his dog, went to work, and then did rich guy stuff like fly planes. He is a good example of a manly dude. Rich idiots also tip poorly, expect special treatment even in extreme situations like when they’re a patient at a hospital, and wear navy blazers with khaki pants. All of these are shitty things to do. And for God’s sake people don’t give a rich guy credit if he’s a nice guy. I mean give him credit because he’s a gentleman but not because he’s rich and a gentleman. Regardless of one’s wealth a man should always conduct himself a gentleman. So to all you rich bastards out there, don’t be a rich idiot, it’s wrong and everybody will hate you. And a rich idiot can never be a real man.
Article By: Jon DaBove