Car Crash »

Police Release Footage From that Self-Driving Car Crash and It’s Disturbing

Police Release Footage From that Self-Driving Car Crash and It’s Disturbing

mayur March 23, 2018 0

Warning : Viewer discretion advised. Tempe police vehicular crimes unit is actively investigating the details of this incident that occurred on March 18th

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Uma Thurman’s “Kill Bill” Car Crash

Uma Thurman’s “Kill Bill” Car Crash

mayur February 6, 2018 0

She said she wasn’t comfortable driving the car, but director Quentin Tarintino forced her to do it

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Dude With A Dash Cam Loses Control Of His Car And Flips Off The Side Of A Mountain!

Dude With A Dash Cam Loses Control Of His Car And Flips Off The Side Of A Mountain!

Luke Espon January 22, 2016 0

This is not how you want to start your day! A guy out joy riding with his brethren had a rude awakening while out maneuvering the corners of a mountainside road way on a

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