crazy peoples »

Man pulls off some of the most impressive backflips ever

Man pulls off some of the most impressive backflips ever

mayur May 10, 2024 0

This man manages to do some of the craziest backflips ever, and he manages to do them without much training or even a trainer. So cool!

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BASE jumper jumps off of a very tall wind turbine blade

BASE jumper jumps off of a very tall wind turbine blade

mayur March 15, 2024 0

If there’s one breed of humans that doesn’t know any fear, it has to be BASE jumpers. This jumper takes a leap off of a really tall wind turbine, and it’s honestly incredible

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Times when things went really wrong for people

Times when things went really wrong for people

mayur December 11, 2023 0

This is a funny compilation of things going really badly for people. Talk about embarrassing fails!

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