crazy prank »

Crazy prank involving dropping a human heart in front of people

Crazy prank involving dropping a human heart in front of people

mayur July 7, 2024 0

Well, something like this can very well happen in real life. This man pranks people by pretending to drop a human heart in front of them. The reactions are just insane

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Woman touching people in public

Woman touching people in public

mayur May 14, 2024 0

This pretty lady went out in public and decided to prank people by sitting beside them and touching them gently. Crazy prank!

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Man pretends to be crazy at a sea beach

Man pretends to be crazy at a sea beach

mayur November 6, 2023 0

This is one heck of a crazy prank. This man goes to a sea beach and acts completely crazy around people

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Crazy superpower prank shocks everyone

Crazy superpower prank shocks everyone

mayur October 30, 2023 0

Everyone loves superpowers, but when they see one in action, they are shocked. This superpower prank is just too shocking

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