scary accidents »

Scary accidents during baseball matches

Scary accidents during baseball matches

mayur July 17, 2024 0

Like a lot of other sports, baseball isn’t free from risks. These are examples of rather scary baseball injuries caught on camera

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Two really scary accidents caught on camera

Two really scary accidents caught on camera

mayur February 16, 2024 0

Road accidents can happen at literally any time. These two scary accidents were caught on security cameras. Be safe out on the streets

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Motorcycle accidents and crashes that are just too scary

Motorcycle accidents and crashes that are just too scary

mayur October 24, 2023 0

Life on two wheels sure is fun, but it has its fair share of risks. These people had some nasty crashes and accidents on their motorcycles

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Wheel Accidents That Will Leave You Scared

Wheel Accidents That Will Leave You Scared

mayur July 6, 2023 0

Who knew that wheels could be so dangerous. These are some scary accidents caused by wheels!

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